The Preamble

The preamble is where tell LATEX that you are going to use asaetr.sty. It's also where you list the authors and ASAE membership grades. Here's an example:
\title{Boring Title}
\author{U.\ B.\ Boring \fellow \and 
       I.\ M.\ Young \student \and
       R.\ U.\ Happy \nonmember   }
I have used up to four authors and still got it fit on one line. Five authors may fit, depending on the lengths of the names. If they don't all fit, two rows of authors will be formed. Membership grades can be any of
 \member, \associate, \student, 
 \affiliate, or \fellow.
You can also use \nonmember, but it has the same effect as leaving the membership grade off. The \maketitle command simply tells LATEX to use this author and title information to compose the title of the paper.